Rowena Public School

Respect For All

Telephone02 6796 5145

Starting school

Before starting school, children should be able to:

  • Confidently use the toilet without assistance
  • Dress themselves completely – including jumpers/jackets on and off, shoes and socks on and off.
  • Open and close their school bag and lunch box
  • Communicate with adults.

The Kindergarten Learning Program

Most children will pass through the same developmental stages but perhaps at different rates.  

Throughout the school year, Kindergarten children are exposed to a wide range of learning activities. All children develop at different rates, this is particularly noticeable in the first year of school. Please do not compare your child’s rate of progress with that of other children, rather praise their own development. Children’s confidence and belief in themselves should always be protected and nurtured.

During Term 1, the children are introduced to singly sounds. We teach the sound names for letters and only refer to the letter name occasionally.  These sounds are then used in beginning reading and writing. Children will need to practise these sounds at home. The sounds are taught in the following order: 

  • a m s t i f d r o g h l u c n k n b v e p j w y x q u z.