The Rowena school community extends a warm welcome to new students and their families as they enrol at Rowena Public School. We are sure your time in our small school will be enjoyable, educational and rewarding.
Rowena Public School always welcomes parent and community involvement in the many activities our school provides as we all believe the best education comes when there is a close partnership between home, school and the community.
Rowena Public School is situated in the hamlet of Rowena in Northern New South Wales. The school is an integral part of this rural community, strongly supported by the Rowena P&C which is heavily involved in fundraising and forms a link between the school and its community. The Rowena branch of the Country Women’s Association also supports the school in a variety of ways ranging from the annual celebration of International Day to prize giving and an endless supply of home cooked delights for many annual events.
Rowena Public School was originally opened on its present site in 1923. New school buildings were opened in 1996 and include two well resourced classrooms, a library and an administration office.
The school is set in approximately 1.4 hectares (3.5 acres) of grounds and enjoys many excellent facilities including a twelve metre in-ground pool, Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA), large sporting fields and modern play equipment.
Rowena Public School is also supported by the Rural and Remote Access program which funds school-based projects designed to overcome geographical isolation.
Students at Rowena Public School enjoy a quality education. An engaging curriculum and caring, safe environment ensures all students are highly motivated and strive to achieve their best. Courteous students, professional staff and supportive parents work together, living the school motto, Respect for All.
Jo Glazebrook